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Krishna’s Cosmo is keeping Shiryu from reaching the pillar. Not even the Rising Dragon can break through it. Krishna explains that his Cosmo, known as Chakra, is formed by seven vital points. Unless Shiryu destroys those points, the barrier won’t be broken. Krishna then uses his Maha Roshini, which leaves Shiryu blind. Shiryu burns his Cosmo to the Seventh Sense and sees the seven vital points. He then uses Excalibur to destroy the points, along with Krishna. Hyoga reaches the Antarctic Ocean Mammoth Pillar, but surprisingly, Aquarius Camus is waiting for him. Hyoga …


Krishna’s Cosmo is keeping Shiryu from reaching the pillar. Not even the Rising Dragon can break through it. Krishna explains that his Cosmo, known as Chakra, is formed by seven vital points. Unless Shiryu destroys those points, the barrier won’t be broken. Krishna then uses his Maha Roshini, which leaves Shiryu blind. Shiryu burns his Cosmo to the Seventh Sense and sees the seven vital points. He then uses Excalibur to destroy the points, along with Krishna. Hyoga reaches the Antarctic Ocean Mammoth Pillar, but surprisingly, Aquarius Camus is waiting for him. Hyoga …